IMPORTANT NOTICE: As of January 1, 2024, non-special order medication refills require 48-72 hours notice, while special orders & outside prescriptions require 7-10 business days notice.

Bloodwork Services for Pets

Regular blood tests help maintain good health and prevent harmful diseases in cats and dogs.

Bloodwork is essential when caring for cats and dogs. When your pet is sick, they may show symptoms which oftentimes require blood tests to accurately diagnose. Even if your pet is asymptomatic or healthy, routine bloodwork can be used to learn their baseline health or detect underlying health problems. At Glenora Family Pet Clinic, we are proud to offer in-house laboratory service, which means blood tests results can be provided almost immediately. To learn more about our laboratory services, please call us at 780-428-8802.

What can bloodwork detect?

When bloodwork is performed, our team can test for the patient's complete blood count (CBC) or their chemistry panel which can detect the following issue:

  1. Dehydration
  2. Blood clotting ability
  3. Cholesterol levels
  4. Anemia
  5. Kidney problems
  6. Parasites/infections
  7. Allergies
  8. Organ damage
  9. Possible complications with anesthesia

How often should my pet have a blood test?

At least once every year is ideal for all pets. If your feline or canine companion has known health risks such as age-related diseases, your veterinarian will recommend more frequent blood tests. Other instances when bloodwork is recommended for pets include during their first veterinary visits, before they start a new medication/treatment, prior to any surgery and when diagnosing a symptomatic patient.

Is my pet in pain when they get their bloodwork done?

Not at all. The process of withdrawing blood is completely pain-free. Our team knows how to calm your pet if they are anxious or stressed about coming to the vet. We use calming music and sprays to keep them relaxed. No anesthesia or numbing is required.

How can I prepare my pet for their blood test?

In general, we prefer to collect blood and urine samples after an overnight fast. If your pet is taking medications and special blood tests are recommended, please refer to the list below for specific instructions:

  • Methimazole (Felimazole, Tapazole) : blood work can be collected anytime as long as the medication has been given consistently for the past couple of weeks.
  • Thyroid supplements (Eltroxin, Synthroid, Thyro tabs, Leventa, etc): Blood needs to be drawn 4-6 hours after the pill.
  • Vetoryl (trilostane): patient needs to be dropped off in the hospital for a couple of hours and blood test is started 2-4 hours post pill.
  • Phenobarbital: blood needs to be drawn 4-6 hours post pill.
  • Potassium Bromide: blood can be drawn anytime as long as medication has been given consistently for the past 1-2 months.
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